Birdhouse Skateboards was founded in 1992 in Vista, California USA by skate legends and ex-Powell Peralta pro skateboarders Per Welinder and Tony Hawk. After the skate hype of the 80's had blown over, Per Welinder wanted to stay involved in the skate scene. He was looking for partners for a new skateboard company. At first, Welinder approached Lance Mountain, a pro skateboarder on the Powel Peralta team and founder of the skateboard brand The Firm. Mountain only wanted to do business with Welinder if he would become 100% owner of the company. Per Welinder, Lance thanked him for the offer and started looking for another partner.

The Birdhouse skate team consists of skateboarders like Tony Hawk, Aron Homoki, Ben Raybourn, Clint Walker, David Loy, Lizzy Armanto, Mike Davis, Clive Dixon, Shawn Hale and Elliot Sloan. Over the years the Birdhouse team has won many awards including Thrasher's King of the Road. The team riders have been on all the covers of leading skateboarding magazines like Thrasher, Skateboard Mag and Transworld Skateboarding. This says enough about the quality of the brand.