The façade of Revert 95 has a long history, we have seen some great designs in the past. The current façade has been up for a while now, so it's time again: the façade of Revert 95 needs a fresh print! We are looking for a cool and original print and we want to give you the chance to design it. Are you handy with illustrator, good on paper or do you just have a mega good idea? Then read on!

What should you do?
- Come up with an original design for our façade
- Use the theme colours blue and black
- Send your design to or hand it in at the shop, along with a little text about yourself and why you chose this design
- The deadline for submitting the design is 12 May
- Friday, May 19 the winner will be announced
- The winner can submit his/her own design or work with us!
- Download the template below or pick up a printed version at the shop
You can do the whole front, or choose to keep it clean and casual. In other words: live it up!

This is an example of what it could look like:

For those who are curious about the dimensions, here is an overview:

So grab that pile of pencils, dive into your computer or get to work with your spray cans and who knows, maybe your design will soon be on our façade!
Check the event page here: Form facade 95
- Please do not mention any brand names and/or Revert 95 in the design
- Form of the design is to be determined
- Date of placement is in week 21, exact date in consultation
- Winner will be chosen by a jury consisting of creative minds from Haarlem and surroundings
- Revert 95 reserves the right to apply its own design at any time