You can find a large selection of women's and men's bags online at Revert 95. No matter what kind of bag you're looking for, you're sure to find the one you need in our wide range of bags. The most popular bags for daily use are without a doubt backpacks. Backpacks are not only very practical, but in recent years have also become real fashion items.
Obey, Doughnut and more!
Popular brands Doughnutand Obey make bags that are almost as popular as their clothing. The Carhartt Kickflip Backpack and Obey Commuter Pack are consistently high on our bestseller list. Many of the backpacks in our shop have a protective laptop compartment, so you can slide your laptop into your bag without having to worry about scratches or dents. If your backpack doesn't have a laptop compartment, or if you just want a little extra protection, then click on over to our large selection laptop sleeves. If you are going to be on the road for more than one day, you obviously need more storage space. In our extensive collection shoulder bags you will find the most beautiful duffel bags from HUF, Herschel Supply and Carhartt. For the real globetrotters we have several travelling bags with wheels. That way, you'll have less to carry and more energy for more fun.