You can buy the best travel bags online at Revert 95. We from Revert 95 love adventurous and active travels and a good travel bag is a must. With our own experience in mind, we have selected the best travel bags for you. bags selected for you. A bag should have enough space for all your gear and clothing, and when you need it, you should be able to get to it quickly. Most of the bags we sell have several cleverly arranged compartments, so that you can quickly pack and unpack your bag every day while travelling. A model that we are very fond of is the travel bag on wheels. On long trips, you often travel long distances with your luggage, and then it is nice to let your bag roll behind you, instead of having to drag it along for hours. We have a large selection of travel bags on wheels, from brands such as Burton, Dakine and Herschel Supply. If you are looking for something closer to home, such a large travel bag might be a bit excessive. That is why we also have several travel bags that you can easily take with you in your hand luggage. We also have a wide range of weekend bags and duffel bags. These bags are suitable for weekends away, but also for daily use.